Arrival & Exodus [handcrafted edition] 11.11 release info
Order info, Paid Subscriptions & other updates
Two exciting things are happening on Monday, November 11, 2024.
The Paid Subscription switch toggles to the ‘on’ position - allowing folks to support financially at monthly, yearly, and foundational levels.
The handcrafted edition of Arrival & Exodus is going to be available for pre-order at 11:11 am est to Foundational Members.
I'm not doing a Kickstarter campaign or big marketing push for the book. Instead, I'm offering 12 copies directly to my subscribers who support my work at the Foundational level. If you are interested, here’s what you need to do:
How do I order my copy?
A post is scheduled to send to all of Derek’s email subscribers at 11:11 am est on 11.11 with two prompts:
1) an order form link, and
2) a link to become a foundational member on Substack.
Complete the order form and the subscription payment, and you’re set to go! If you haven’t already, subscribe so you don’t miss receiving the important links on 11.11:
What if I miss out on the twelve handcrafted editions? When will the other versions be available?
The order form is set to lock after 12 entries. If when you complete the order form and are notified the book is sold out, please complete the interest form to be placed on the waitlist. You will be first in line if a copy becomes available and be the first to know if more versions are released in the future.
The softcover, ebook, audiobook, video essay versions are in the works. Publishing books is new territory for me with many new processes out of my control. I’ll anounce the dates as soon as possible.
What if I’m not ready to buy the book? Can I still support?
Monthly and Yearly supporters gain access to other benefits. Here’s how it breaks down:
Free Subcribers:
95% of content: ad-free podcasts, comment section, newsletters
Paid Subscribers:
Subscriber-only content (ebooks, PDFs, slidedecks, early drafts, notebook)
Early access to episodes and posts, live Q/A, full archive
Member-only discounts to books, merch, art, and other products
Foundational Members:
Everythging as Paid Subscribers, plus
Exclussive publications like the book 'Arrival & Exodus' [handcrafted edition]
If you had the opportunity to see the prototype of the book at the SW conference, you know how amazing Colin's work is. I've made significant revisions to the essay since it's first publication on the SW blog, making the most of the physical medium of a hardcover book. The page layout complements the symbolism of the story, especially the cloudy veils covering hidden contents. It’s been fun to put together and a privilege to work with artisans like Colin. I can’t wait to share it with you.
Read more about the project:
Thank you for your support and encouragement as I endeavor to make beautiful things and create meaningful conversations.