Beautiful. Love your work Derek, and would certainly be interested in buying one of these beta-copies if you end up selling them -- though I'm sure I'd find it difficult to part with a single copy were I in your shoes!
The plan is to make twelve first edition copies of the Exodus chapter and offer it to subscribers directly. You'll get a chance to purchase one of the twelve - without feeling the guilt of snatching a prototype from the author :)
Will you be at the Symbolic World Summit next week?
Excellent plan! Unfortunately, I won't make this summit -- decided it's just too far to travel from here down under, and not quite the right timing. Looks like it'll be a blast; I'll be sad to be miss it!
Are we calling dibs?
You will be the first to know ;)
Beautiful. Love your work Derek, and would certainly be interested in buying one of these beta-copies if you end up selling them -- though I'm sure I'd find it difficult to part with a single copy were I in your shoes!
The plan is to make twelve first edition copies of the Exodus chapter and offer it to subscribers directly. You'll get a chance to purchase one of the twelve - without feeling the guilt of snatching a prototype from the author :)
Will you be at the Symbolic World Summit next week?
Excellent plan! Unfortunately, I won't make this summit -- decided it's just too far to travel from here down under, and not quite the right timing. Looks like it'll be a blast; I'll be sad to be miss it!
We should have a SW Summit: Down Under. It's a symbolism happens moment in the making. The session topics would practically write themselves.
That they would! I'm sure it'll be in the works soon ...